Having access to a camera that is compatible with Netflix Specs and other professional broadcasting requirements is crucial in guaranteeing that our film will be made and considered by streaming platforms and other major distributors.
To reach our target of 100 hundred million viewers worldwide, we will have to work with one of the major distributors and streaming platforms.
To do this we will need to satisfy their technical requirements and produce under best practices.
We have been using Blackmagic cinema cameras for the filming of WHIRLWIND, of course we could keep renting the camera throughout our upcoming 12 months span of production and post production (Re-shoot + additional shot). However, after careful financial considerations, we came to the conclusion that it would be beneficial to the project to buy the equipment.
In addition, having a professional camera fully available to the filmmakers will allows us to also create extra high quality content that will accompany the film such as educational material , extra interviews etc.
In comparison to renting the camera throughout the entire production and post production of the film, buying it upfront will help save $15,000 which is half of the total renting cost for the camera and accessories for the entire duration of production and post production.

- Blackmagic Design URSA Mini PRO 12K OLPF ($6,385)
-Blackmagic URSA Viewfinder ($1,525)
-DZOFILM Vespid Prime Cinema 7-Lens Kit B with 25mm, 35mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 125mm T2.1, 90mm Macro T2.8 Lens for PL Mount ($7,479)

30 Elm Street Worcester, MA, 01609
Please make sure to mention ''Whirlwind Angel'' on the Checks or wired transfers and send us an email notification at :production@worcesterwhirlwind.com
Every Giving Tuesday donor
will be listed in the film end credit under
''Angel Producer'' and acknowledged in our newsletter.
Every qualifying donation of $500 and above
will receive an ''Angel Producer Certificate'' with a special gift.