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5 Reasons why I am attending the Major Taylor Festival/Invitational in Indianapolis (June 17-19).

As you may know by now , I (Cyrille Vincent -Director/Executive Producer) am going to the Major Taylor Invitational June 17th-19 in Indianapolis and I can't wait to meet all of you there.

There are 5 main reasons I'm attending this event in Indianapolis and I wanted to share it with you all.

The first reason I'm attending this event is because of it significance for all who are involve in keeping the legacy of Major Taylor alive. This very important event is described as follow on the registration website: '' In the 43 years since the first Major Taylor Cycling club started in Columbus, Ohio, there has never been a national gathering of the Major Taylor Clubs. Major Taylor’s hometown, Indianapolis, Indiana, will host the first Major Taylor national event in June of 2022. The event is hosted by the Major Taylor Cycling Club of Central Indiana, a program of Bike Indianapolis. Register Here :

The Second reason, and you may have guess it already, is the filming of ''WHIRLWIND'' ( with some members of the MTCCs (Major Taylor Cycling Clubs) who will be in Indianapolis for the purpose of this event. I'm especially excited about filming with the only MTCC's youth Chapter of Georgia as it is very important that young people voice get heard as well . So, Let's do it :

The Third reason, while in Indianapolis, I will like to check out first hand the Major Taylor exhibit at the Indiana State Museum and film some archives (Scrapbook, Newsletters and artifacts) they have there for the purpose of the film .I will also like to check out few Major Taylor Mural in town

Mural by Shawn Michael Warren.

The Fourth reason is that we have chosen to launch the crowdfunding campaign of the feature film documentary ''WHIRLWIND'' in Indianapolis the place of birth of Major Taylor . This is because we hope to have his spiritual blessing and the blessings of of the land where this story started . If you will like to contribute to the film and take part is history in the making, please follow the link below:

The Fifth reason and not the least is that, I am meeting and having diner with Kelsey Lyons ( ''WHIRLWIND'' Assistant Writer who just recently got married. The couple invited me for dinner to their house and I'm delighted about tasting some Indiana culinary specialties. What should I tried people ?

Kelsey Lyons

Kelsey Lyons and Hubby!

For more informations about this film documentary project , please feel free to check out the website and join the newsletter to receive Behind The scenes : or Facebook :

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